Monday, June 13, 2016

Recognize ISIS?

It might be time to recognize ISIS is a national government. I know you think I am off the deep end, but read to the end before you call for the men in white coats to come and get me. ISIS has held and defended significant territory in what used to be Syria, Iraq and Libya for some time and should be recognized as such.  

Now, once we make this formal and legal recognition, we must also deal with the fact that they have taken credit for an attack on American soil in which 50 unarmed civilian Americans were killed without military reason for the target. This places ISIS, our newly recognized nation, in a worse position than Japan in 1941. Japan's attack was a surprise, and arguable unprovoked attack while we weren't yet at war with them, but it was against an entirely military government. Once we recognize ISIS as a nation, we can recognize the Orlando attack as what it was, the military attack of a foreign government on unarmed US civilians. 

As such, I propose two bills be written and brought before congress concurrently; one to recognize ISIS as a sovereign nation in light of their long term control of significant territory, and a second to declare war on that newly formed territory in response to their act of war, an act that violates international rules of war, in Orlando this past weekend.

My readers know me as anti-war because of how I speak out against the Iraq war and the Afghan war, but the fact is, I have never been anti-war in general. I am anti those wars because of the reasons for which they were fought, the manner in which they have been fought, and the lack of care given to our veterans when they get home. I will support the war I am suggesting here if it is fought in the following manner.

1) Fight to win. None of the strategies used in any US war back to and including Korea are acceptable. This is a full on war.
2) No ground troops until we receive an unconditional surrender from the heads of ISIS. This war should be entirely drones, bombing runs and missiles, as much as we possibly can deliver, until the enemy fully surrenders or until literally none of them are left.
3) Civilians will never be the intended target of any military strike, however we recognize reluctantly that necessary destruction of strategic military targets sometimes effects civilians. This will not be considered reason enough to avoid militarily strategic targets.
4) Refugees of the area, as well as surrendering troops will be given proper quarter in neighboring countries that agree to house them. If no neighboring country agrees, land currently occupied by ISIS will be taken by overwhelming force and used to build proper quarter for refugees and prisoners of war.
5) Once unconditional surrender is received from the enemy, the lands previously occupied by ISIS are divided as territories of the US and any allies that fight along side of us (France, England, Canada, Australia, you are all invited to join in). These territories will remain under the protection and governance of their captors until such time as they show long term stability (see post-war occupied Germany).
6) All US troops assigned to this war, and previous wars, and their families WILL RECEIVE ALL CARE AND BENEFITS NECESSARY to recover from the effects of that war, regardless of the cost.

I hate war. I don't want war. But war has been brought here. We do have to recognize the culpability of the Bush administration's destabilization of Iraq and Afghanistan in bring about ISIS, and we do have to recognize the culpability of the Obama administration, and particularly Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in allowing ISIS to gain strength in Iraq, Syria and Libya, and those facts should be taken into consideration in choosing our nation's next leaders, but the fact is, ISIS is responsible directly for what they have done in the US, and the US needs to respond to stop them, and to set and example for the rest of the world of how foreign attack on US citizens are handled. If we do not, the end may be near.

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